ikrs.httpd ========== A free tiny java written http server. Current Yucca version: 1.0.0.alpha Current ikrs.httpd version: 1.0.13.alpha Note: I started to write this piece of software in April 2012. I'm still working on this project and I'm doing this just for fun but with passion. Changes ======= [2013-06-24] - Added the JSONRPCExampleHandler that demonstrates how to bind a JSON-RPC (JavaScript Object Notation/Remote Procedure Call) handler into the servers root directory by the use of htaccess (and Java). See /tests_and_examples/jsonrpc/ for the example (at document root). [2013-05-15] - The literals "ISO-8859-1" and "UTF-8" were restored in global constants and replaced in all source code files by the java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.*.name() values. This is why the new version only runs with java 7 (was java 6 before). [2013-05-13] - Made the default error document configurable via ERROR_DOCUMENT.DEFAULT in the {USER_HOME}/.yucca/ikrs.httpd.conf file. The default error document is still located inside the document root at /system/errors/, but I renamed the file to 'GenericError.template.html'. [2013-05-12] - The error documents now provide (optional) placeholders for the actual error messages generated by the server: - {ERROR_MESSAGE} - {STATUS_CODE} - {REASON_PHRASE} I modified the default error documents by adding %{ERROR_MESSAGE}% to each and adding an example file with all placeholders: {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/system/errors/_GenericError.template.html [2013-05-08] Added more runtime statistics: - #requests - #errors - #warnings Note: last error and last warning dropped (mind the logger)] [2013-04-29] - Added javadocs at ./document_root/docs/ [2013-04-23] - HTTPD command 'HEXDUMP FORMAT' for hexdump output configuration added. - Moved the HexDumpOutputStream creation from AbstractPreparedResponse to HTTPHandler. - Added 'HEXDUMP_FORMAT' to the ikrs.httpd.conf file. [2013-04-22] - Added the HTTPDRuntimeStatistics class. - Added a static HTTPHandler.sharedInstance field. - Extended the HTTPD STATUS command. [2013-04-11] - Built a ReplacingInputStream based on the MultiStopMarkInputStream class. [2013-04-10] - The ikrs.io.StopMarkInputStream.stopMarkReached() method did not return a proper value; even if the stop mark was reached it returned false. - Wrote a MultiStopMarkInputStream that allows to pass a whole set of possible stop marks for the underlying stream. Idea: use the new stream 'tokenizer' to build configurable error documents (placeholder processor). - Added the ikrs.io.StopMarkInputStream.continueStream() and *.continueStream(boolean overrideEOI) methods. - Added ikrs.util.ByteArrayComparator. [2013-04-03] - Fixed: the directory listing missed trailing slashes in directory link names. - Finished the XML example parser class: XMLExampleHandler. Call {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/tests_and_examples/xml_example_parser/ from your browser to run it. [2013-04-02] - The DefaultPostDataWrapper didn't remove the trailing bytes CRLF from each multipart item; this was fixed and the XMLExampleHandler now counts the correct number of data bytes. [2013-03-25] - Header field 'Content-Disposition' declared in ikrs.httpd.HTTPHeaderLine. - Fixed an EOI issue (0 read bytes replaces by -1, EOI) in CustomUtil.transfer(...). - Built advanced HeaderParam methods (again: the ikrs.httpd.datatypes.* classes are still experimental!). - Built basic POST data handling for the XMLExampleHandler class. See source for details (not yet finished). For a working basic test see {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/tests_and_examples/xml_example_parser. A detailed description is located in the source code of the 'example.xmlparser' file. - Fixed: the FormDataItem extended KeyValueStringPair, but it may also contain binary data! Each FormDataItem has a header part and an internal input stream to read from. - The FormData had no method(s) to retrieve the key set; as it consists of a sequence of form data items which has a header set each such a method is not required any more. - Fixed a white-space issue in the HeaderParam parser; all values are trimmed now and do not contain any trailing or leading white space characters any more. [2013-03-22] - The ikrs.httpd.datatype.HeaderParams is now a three-dimensional structure recocnizing the delimiter chars [ ',', ';', '=' ] in exactly this order; the structure was two-dimensional before. - The ikrs.httpd.datatype.FormData and all its implementing classes were slightly changed. - The QueryFormDataDelegation class is now deprecated and MUST NOT be used any more. Note that the whole ikrs.httpd.datatype package is highly experimental and should be used for test cases only! Actually it does not cover RFC 2616 at all as it contains very basic MIME tools and some very simple parser classes. [2013-03-18] - Fixed an issue with the directory listing: the DefaultDirectoryResource did not add the trailing slash '/' after directory hyperlinks, so HTTP forms might have sent their GET/POST data into the wrong directory (the parent). [2013-03-15] - The ikrs.http.HTTPHeaderLine is someting like a key-value-pair. It extends ikrs.util.KeyValueStringPair now. [2013-03-13] - Yucca's command line currently did not allow additional white space chars between command name and additional arguments. Actually it was a regex problem in the ikrs.util.AbstractCommandFactory.parse(...) method. - Renamed ikrs.http.LocalCommand to ModuleCommand, and also it's factory. [2013-03-09] - Yucca command LOGLEVEL built. - Yucca command VERSION built. - Commandline documentation written (see README). [2013-03-06] - Added the response-characterSet (name) to the ResourceMetaData. - Slighty modified the custom_directory_handler example by adding the {DOCUMENT_ROOT} to the output; also added some fancy text-box stuff ;) ... actually this is the most important example class as it shows how to extend the HTTP handler without modifying the handler code! [2013-03-04] - The STATUS command prints the current system configuration; there is a fix that hides sensitive data such das keystore and truststore passwords (otherwise the passwords would be written into the log files!). [2013-03-02] - Solved the logger's log level issue; both (yucca and ikrs.http) now use the same logger instance. - Changed YuccaCommadFactory's command lookup order: parent commands first, subclasses' commands later (makes it possible to override existing commands). [2013-03-01] - Enhanced the ikrs.util.session.Default- and AbstractSessionManager by adding a new (optional) 'threadSafe' param; this allows to tell the manager to use synchronized session maps and so does the HTTPHandler now. [2013-02-28] - Status code for 'Content-Range' responses changed to 206 (Partial Content); was still 200 before. - Added the ParametrizedHTTPException class to the ResponseBuilder to allow to override the status code/reason phrase at the error response builder. - The ResouceMetaData now has a last-modified field. - There is now an ETag class (Entity tag) and the OK response already uses the generated ETag hash for response headers. - The HTTPHandler now has a global DateFormat that should be used to generate Date strings in the required HTTP Date format; for details see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html section 14.18. - The '206 Partial Content' response now contains the 'Date' and 'Expires' headers (sent if the 'Content-Range' request is present). - Solved an issue with the DefaultDirectoryResource; in some cases an additional slash ('/') was added between the path base and the linked file(s). [2013-02-27] - EOI bug in ikrs.httpd.ReadLimitInputStream solved [reaching the virtual end did not necesarily cause -1 but 0 (zero) to be returned which caused an infinite loop in the RangedRessource's inputstream read procedures]. - Implemented the ikrs.httpd.resource.ResourceDelegation and RangedResource class. - Implemented download recovery (from a specified byte position): the server now recognizes the 'Content-Range' header; some new classes were added and still need some testing, but the ikrs.httpd.resource.RangedResource seems to work fine so far. [2013-02-25] - Bug fixed in the ProcessableResource class: the open(boolean) method blocked on the system process's internal output buffer overflow. The output data is now being read while (!) the process is running. - New test script added to check if binary data (such as images) is correctly handled and displayed: {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/tests_and_examples/binary_test/load_image.php - The 'Status' header handled by the PHPHandler now applies the original HTTP version number (from the request headers; was always 1.1 before). - The PHPHandler now applies the generated MIME type (from the PHP output headers) to the resource's meta data (default was text/plain before). [2013-02-05] - Yucca's ConnectionHandler (TCP) instance can now be re-used (shared instance). This is set by the flag 'sharedHandlerInstance' in the server.xml file. - The the directory list generator still used an old (not valid any more) favicon URL. This is fixed. - Cleaned up document_root directory: moved all tests into the sub directory 'tests_and_examples'. - Replaced the HTTPHandler internal maps by threadsafe versions (from java's util.Collections class).! [2013-01-23] - The AbstractPreparedResponse now uses the same HTTP version such as in the request headers. This causes the server to send HTTP/1.0 replies when the request is version 1.0 (response was always sent in version 1.1 before). - The default error document map is now configurable by {USER_HOME}/.yuccasrv/ikrs.httpd.conf#ERROR_DOCUMENT.{STATUS_CODE} [2013-01-16] - The HypertextAccessFile class now recoginzes the 'ErrorDocument' directive. Additionally the HTTP handler has a new method 'getDefaultErrorDocumentURI(...)']. Result: htaccess' ErrorDocument directives are now handled (though the default error document set is not yet configurable). [2013-01-10] - The CGI PATH_INFO and PATH_TRANSLATED were fixed (contained corrupt values before). - The CGI environment vars DOCUMENT_ROOT, SCRIPT_FILENAME and REQUEST_URI were added. - The internal session now stores REMOTE_ADDRESS, REMOTE_PORT, REMOTE_HOST and also LOCAL_ADDRESS, LOCAL_HOST and LOCAL_PORT. - The ikrs.httpd.filehandler.CGIHandler class has an internal HEADER-to-CGI set now that explicitly allows a specified subset of HTTP headers to be mapped into the GCI environment. By default these headers are: - Accept - Accept-Charset - Accept-Encoding - Accept-Language - Connection - Cookie - Host - Referer - User-Agent - Tested the server with Drupal-7.15. Worked after some drupal configuration issues :) [2013-01-09] - Additional error documents added. - Reqest-Line parser method fixed (for the case a fully malformed non-HTTP request was sent). - The session timeout is now configurable using the ikrs.http.conf file: {USER_HOME}/.yuccasrv/ikrs.httpd.conf#SESSION_TIMEOUT - The yucca command line is now extensible and capable to handle advanced httpd commands (none exist so far, though). [2013-01-08] - There was an issue with the session timeout handling and it is fixed now. Additionally I created a nested SESSION.INTERNAL child now holding the environment data used in the CGIHandler. - The file handler example now also shows how to use sessions. [2013-01-07] - Some tests with customized file/directory handlers (htaccess, SetHandler) exposed a flaw inside the system when using non-existing files; it is now possible to configure FileHandlers by overriding the 'requiresExistingFile()' method and mock the ResourceAccessor this way: you can now also pass virtual URIs, if you want to. See the ikrs.httpd.filehandlers.IkarosExampleHandler for details. A configured example directory is located in the default document root at /custom_directory_handler. Try to request a non existing file or sub directory, such like /custom_directory_handler/not_existing and see what happens :) - The hexdump output of requested files during transfer is now restricted up to 10KB of data. Then the output on stdout stops to avoid flooding. - ikrs.httpd.HTTPHeaders.read(...) still wrote debug data into stdout. The debug/info output was moved to ikrs.httpd.HTTPRequestDistributor.run(). [2013-01-05] - Built a nested htaccess evaluation. Before the application just searched up the document tree until the first htaccess file was found. That was not correct! *All* htaccess files upon the request path are now used; later occurrences override earlier stated stettings. The HyptertextAccessFile class got a new merge() method for this purpose. [2013-01-03] - Moved ikrs.httpd.datatype.KeyValueStringPair to ikrs.util.KeyValueStringPair. - Added a handler method in HTTPHandler.rejectedExecution(...) that processes rejected requests fast and painless. - SSL default example configuration issue solved. [2012-12-21] - There is a new utility class: ikrs.io.fileio.FileCopy that can be used to copy files and nested directories. - The yucca main class now has a first-run-check. If the configuration files or -directory do not exist the program performs a short survey and creates the config files and -directories automatically. The templates are located in '_.templates/'. [2012-12-17] - File paths may now contain the '{USER_HOME}' placeholder (for yucca and httpd). - Renamed document root 'document_root_alpha' to 'document_root'. - Moved configuration directory '_.yucca/' to '{USER_HOME}/.yucca/'. - Buy in method ikrs.httpd.CustomUtil.classImplementsInterface(...) fixed. - DOCUMENT_ROOT is now configurable via .yuccasrv/ikrs.httpd.config#DOCUMENT_ROOT. - New yucca-commands: 'warranty' and 'license'. [2012-12-16] - Changed package name from 'ikrs.http' to 'ikrs.httpd'. [2012-12-15] - HTTP methods can now be disabled: ikrs.httpd.conf#DISABLE_METHOD.{METHOD} = { On | Off } [2012-12-12] - INI-file parser added. [2012-12-11] - The ConnectionHandler has a customizable init() method now which applies the whole yucca server config into the handler. - The yucca config has an (optional) 'httpConfig' node now that can be used to define additional custom config settings to the HTTP handler. - The filehandlers config is now defined inside the yucca config: httpConfig-node. [2012-12-05] - The HTTP server is now capable to process HTTP TRACE. [2012-12-04] - The HTTP server is now capable to process HTTP OPTIONS and HTTP HEAD. [2012-11-27] - The socket manager ikrs.yuccasrv.socketmngr.BindManager supports secure sockets using SSL/TLS now. [2012-10-29] - The 'filehandlers.ini' is now interpreted and contains the file handler mappings. - The htaccess 'SetHandler' and 'AddHandler' directives work now. [2012-10-15] - HTTP POST works now with PHP (actually it was an unsolved php-cgi issue). [2012-10-12] - Replaced HTTPHandler.getServerName() by HTTPHandler.getSoftwareName() to avoid CGI name clash. - Built new HTTPHandler.getServerName() method. - Built basic CGI/1.1 handler. - Finished PHP POST handling. [2012-10-11] - htaccess 'DirectoryIndex' implemented. - htaccess 'Options {+|-}Indexes' implemented. - New class for directory listings: ikrs.http.resource.DefaultDirectoryResource. [2012-10-10] - The error response 405 (Method Not Allowed) now includes the 'Allow' header. [2012-09-30] - Bug fixed: server sent an '200 OK' even if the external file handler reported runtime errors. [2012-09-15] - htaccess 'Digest' authorization implemented (not apache compatible: ikrs.http.MD5). [2012-09-03] - htaccess 'Basic' authorizaion implemented (apache compatible). The java documentation files are located at ./document_root/docs/ or if 'document_root' is your configured {DOCUMENT_ROOT} (the default value) the files will be available at Important Notes =============== Use PHP-CGI instead of PHP-CLI ------------------------------ - To enable PHP install the 'php-cgi' package (not the commandline interface 'php-cli' or just 'php'). Example: sudo apt-get install php5-cgi The "File not found" issue -------------------------- - If the PHP interpreter is prompting on each PHP file you want to run (using your browser): "Security Alert! The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly" The CGI handler requires to set some environment vars for php-cgi. By default this is not allowed by the 'cgi.force_redirect' directive in your php.ini (php-cgi, NOT php-cli!). Locate your php-cgi configuration file, something like /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini, near line ~834 ; cgi.force_redirect is necessary to provide security running PHP as a CGI under ; most web servers. Left undefined, PHP turns this on by default. You can ; turn it off here AT YOUR OWN RISK ; **You CAN safely turn this off for IIS, in fact, you MUST.** ; http://php.net/cgi.force-redirect ;cgi.force_redirect = 1 Now set 'cgi.force_redirect' to 0 to allow modifications to php-cgi's environment: cgi.force_redirect = 0 - If the PHP interpreter is not prompting "No input file specified." (Status: 404 Not Found) you have to set the document-root in your php-cgi config file, near line ~804: ; The root of the PHP pages, used only if nonempty. ; if PHP was not compiled with FORCE_REDIRECT, you SHOULD set doc_root ; if you are running php as a CGI under any web server (other than IIS) ; see documentation for security issues. The alternate is to use the ; cgi.force_redirect configuration below ; http://php.net/doc-root doc_root = Now set 'doc_root' to your document root. Example: doc_root = "/home/your_user_name/java/document_root" If this does not fix the problem add an additional document-root directive: server.document_root = "/home/your_user_name/java/document_root" Now near line ~850: ; cgi.fix_pathinfo provides *real* PATH_INFO/PATH_TRANSLATED support for CGI. PHP's ; previous behaviour was to set PATH_TRANSLATED to SCRIPT_FILENAME, and to not grok ; what PATH_INFO is. For more information on PATH_INFO, see the cgi specs. Setting ; this to 1 will cause PHP CGI to fix its paths to conform to the spec. A setting ; of zero causes PHP to behave as before. Default is 1. You should fix your scripts ; to use SCRIPT_FILENAME rather than PATH_TRANSLATED. ; http://php.net/cgi.fix-pathinfo ;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 Set cgi.fix_pathinfo to 1: cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 NOTE 1: The ikrs.http.filehandler.CGIHandler class will add an additional security check field REDIRECT_STATUS = 1 to the environment vars which will finally fix the "File not found" issue. NOTE 2: I only changed my config in /etc/php5/cgi/, I left /etc/php5/cli unchanged. File-Upload issue: $_FILES is always empty ------------------------------------------ As soon as PHP (CGI mode) is running there might be the problem of failing file uploads (HTTP POST): PHP's $_FILES array is always empty, even if the file data was successfully sent using HTTP POST method. (i) Does you upload form use method="post" and enctype="multipart/form-data"? :) (ii) Check your php.ini (in /etc/php5/cgi): - Check if 'file_uploads' is enabled. - Check if 'upload_tmp_dir' is set (to your system's tempfiles directory or a temp dir of your choice) [near line ~890]. - Check if your upload-file size does not exceed 'post_max_size'. How to add custom file handlers =============================== There are three basic steps required to add a custom file- or directory handler. (i) You need to build your own handler class that implements the ikrs.httpd.FileHandler interface. Optionally you might just want to extend the abstract class ikrs.httpd.filehandlers.AbstractFileHandler; in that case you have to override the methods 'boolean requiresExistingFile()' and 'Resource process(...)'. If you are not sure what to do just see the example handler in ikrs.httpd.filehandlers.IkarosExampleHandler. (ii) You need to bind your handler into the system and assign an alias name. Do this by editing the {USER_HOME}/.yuccasrv/filehandlers.ini file; add a new line = [ ] where - can be any name (not including white spaces), but it should be unique! - must be the fully qualified class name of your handler (with package name!) - Is an optional list of file extensions you want to have associated with you handler BY DEFAULT (global!). Example: IkarosExampleHandler=ikrs.httpd.filehandler.IkarosExampleHandler (iii) If you didn't already associate file extensions with your handler you have to do so in the last step. Configure the desired directory(~ies) by the use of htaccess' SetHandler/AddHandler directives. - 'SetHandler ' sets your handler for the current directory (and all files inside and all sub directories). - AddHandler ' addy your handler for the given file extensions). Examples: (a) SetHandler IkarosExampleHandler (b) AddHandler IkarosExampleHandler .ikrs Note: file extensions are compared case-insensitive, so '.TXT' would also match '.txt'. Files ===== {USER_HOME}/.yuccasrv/ ---------------------- This is the user specific directory containing all configuration files required to run ikrs.yucca/ikrs.httpd. {USER_HOME}/.yuccasrv/server.xml -------------------------------- This is the global yucca server configuration file. {USER_HOME}/.yuccasrv/ikrs.httpd.conf ------------------------------------- ... {USER_HOME}/.yuccasrv/filehandlers.ini -------------------------------------- ... {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/system/errors/Error.{STATUS_CODE}.html ------------------------------------------------------ The error response files. If the file for a given error code does not exist the server will send an auto-generated response content. There is also a default error document for the case a passed status code does has no matching error document: the GenericError.template.html file. {DOCUMENT_ROOT}/system/styles/directory.list.css ------------------------------------------------ The stylesheet for HTML/XHTML directory listings. Realtime Commands ================= HELP ---- Prints a short summary of all available commands. Indeed the HELP command could be a bit mor verbose; a more enhanced version might come soon ... HTTPD ----- This is a customized command for the httpd module (added to yucca's bind manager). Currently there is only one sub command, which is not fully implemented: - STATUS ------ Prints the current status of the HTTPd module. - HEXDUMP FORMAT ----------------------- Changes the hexdump output column format. The expected value must be a comma separated integer list, each integer indicating the respective column list and the number of integers the total number of columns. Example: the format '4,4,0,4,4' would generate a hexdump format like this: ~~~ 0x00000000 89504e47 0d0a1a0a 0000000d 49484452 .PNG........IHDR 0x00000010 00000010 00000010 08060000 001ff3ff ................ 0x00000020 61000000 01735247 4200aece 1ce90000 a....sRGB....... 0x00000030 0006624b 474400ff 00ff00ff a0bda793 ..bKGD.......... 0x00000040 00000009 70485973 00000dd7 00000dd7 ....pHYs........ 0x00000050 0142289b 78000000 0774494d 4507dc0c .B(.x....tIME... 0x00000060 03112534 aaced90e 00000213 49444154 ..%4........IDAT 0x00000070 38cba592 bfab5c65 10869f99 6fbedd73 8.....\e....o..s 0x00000080 4eb20917 2f04ae08 c1340662 9b267083 N.../....4.b.&p. 0x00000090 8db5a6cc 9f10b0f0 cf112d04 ab105258 ..........-...RX ~~~ LICENSE ------- Prints the license information. LISTEN ------ Add a new listening socket the yucca's bind manager: LISTEN [-p ] [-b ] If succeeded the bind manager fires a serverCreated() event and yucca will print a bind summary containing the created socket's ID (this requires the log level to be at least set to Level.INFO; a command for changing the level at runtime will be coming soon). @See UNLISTEN LOGLEVEL -------- Prints or changes the current log level. LOGLEVEL [] Valid log levels are: - SEVERE (highest value) - WARNING - INFO - CONFIG - FINE - FINER - FINEST (lowest value) These are the same values as in java.util.logging.Level (see java docs for further details). QUIT ---- This command quits Yucca. This means that all listening sockets will be released, and the finalize() event will be fired to all running server threads and to all bound listeners (such as the HTTPd module). STATUS ------ Prints the current socket manager status summary containing basic information such as bind addresses, ports, socket IDs, SSL configuration, protocol information and backlog. Since version 1.0.3 this command is secure and does not print any sensitive data. UNLISTEN -------- Releases a listening socket specified by the passed socket ID: UNLISTEN If you don't know a listening socket's ID just use the STATUS command. The socket ID is the unique number generated when the socket was bound by LISTEN. VERSION -------- Prints the Yucca version number. This command does not take any arguments. WARRANTY -------- Prints the warranty. Tools ===== ikrs.httpd.MD5 ------------- A password hash generator for htaccess 'Digest' authorization. Usage: java ikrs.httpd.MD5 -r [-s ] -u [-p ] - salt must be 8 characters long. Example: > java ikrs.httpd.MD5 -r "My cool realm" -u testuser -p test Generating random salt ... Your hashed password (line for .htpasswd): testuser:${ikrs.http.MD5}$xSngy8uB$9f8d6ab4029a6f8ce8fcdbdb7e671490 Store the last line printed into your .htpasswd file to add the user to the user list (AuthUserFile).